02. How to use the feature “MARKET OVERVIEW”?

What does the feature “Market Overview” help investors with?

The feature “Market Overview” helps you to update the price, trading volume of a crypto according to a chart similar to Coingecko or Coinmarketcap. At the same time, you can also see the recent transactions, investment commonality and transaction ratings of the Sharks in the system with that cryptocurrency.

User manual

Step 1: Access the feature

Access the feature MARKET OVERVIEW in the Discovery section:

Then, the screen will display the ranking of cryptocurrencies by market capitalization as follows:

Step 2: Discover the detailed information

You can learn more about each cryptocurrency listed by clicking on that crypto name, the screen will display as follows:


Here you can see detailed information about that coin with the parameters listed on the same screen as Coingecko or Coinmarketcap, including:

  • Crypto name – current market value
  • Market capitalization
  • Trading volume in 24h
  • Fully Diluted Pricing
  • Circulating Supply
  • Maximum total supply
  • Some other information about the community such as: Community, Source code, tags…


You can see more details about this coin according to the following 5 sheets:

(1): Overview price chart of that token
(2): Integrated TradingView analysis tool
(3): Sharks’ recent transactions with that token
(4): The investment common of the Sharks with that token
(5): Trading Ranking of Sharks with that token
(6): Social networks that the token supports

The special thing is that you can discover the reaction of the Sharks at the SharkScan system to that coin through 3 outstanding features:

Transaction: The chart indicates the price and trading volume of Sharks with that token

Similar Shark: Filter out the Sharks who also invested that token and show you Shark’s transaction details with that token

Trading Ranking: Indicates the token’s ranking for a custom time period

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